'morning~ and friiiiiday 8D

GOOD MORNING, or morning at last. Can't really call it a 'good' morning >.>

Though my day started of in a bad note, something good happened since I finally got back my photobookfrom Amanda who had borrowed it for a really long time now!

Other then that, I though I might write about what I done for the past two days, lets start of with friday~

My friday started of with me waking up (SURPRICE!! 8D) and getting ready to go to the city with Bella and Lele,since I now seriously had to buy Emilie a birthday gift. And of course, I took some pictures before I left, since I couldn't stay for to long~ Emilie isn't suppose to wait for me at her own birthday, now is she?

I had some problems putting this pictures into the computer, so I wonder if I still have them in my cellphone atm...


Lele - Bella


After that I took the bus to Emilie's house, and since I – as awesome as I am – fail at finding even my own home from time to time, obviously couldn't find Emilie's home. But since she knew how I am, she didn't expect me to find her home, so she came together with Elin and Linnea and got me from the bus stand~

On the way to Emilie's home, I also got to know that Elin almost got poisoned. Though I had to say that she was clumsy, I thanked god I wasn't there, because I would probably eat the same thing she eat. XD

When we arrived, they were still doing their cake, and then it just looked like a bunch of pancakes on top of each other!


Emilie - Elin - Wannabe cake - Linnea



But by the time Emilie's-friend-that-I-don't-know-the-name-of arrived, the cake was both gorgeous and tasty! (plastic surgery does wonders 8D)

I don't remember much expect my fail future telling and the tasty chicken we eat. Yummy <3


Finished cake - Emilie's friends - Cards


I will post about yesterday as soon as I get the photos from Emelie, since I used her camera then. (not Emilie, but Emelie, lol 8D)


Always keep the faith


Postat av: ~spread the gaze love ~

guh va söt din kompis Lele va :O<3

2010-03-09 @ 16:08:03
URL: http://heroghasemlou.blogg.se/
Postat av: Bella

Tåååårta 8DD

Tidigare kommentaren is soo true DDD: omg.

2010-03-11 @ 21:59:36
URL: http://hoshiiyo.blogspot.com

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